Dartmouth and Kingswear Society

The Matthew, venue for 2020 Summer Party


More detail of upcoming events can be obtained by clicking on Events Calendar item in the left side menu on this page.

Events Policy

The Society organises a range of activities for its members and the wider community. These are listed in an annual Membership Card sent to all members in August/September and can also be seen in our Events Calendar

Activities include:


An occasional talk may be arranged in the winter months, if an opportunity arises to present something exceptional but there will not be a regular series of such meetings. Any such talks will be held in The Flavel in Dartmouth.

Annual General Meeting:

The AGM brings the winter series of meetings to a close and is normally held in March or April. Attendance at the meeting is restricted to members of the Society; the formal business is usually followed by a short talk. An Annual Report is presented to the AGM summarising the year’s events, issues and activities.

Social Events:

These normally include:

a Winter Market Day Lunch held in a local hotel on a Friday in late January/early February , a Summer Party normally held in late June. a lunchtime Drinks Party held in November

Application forms for these events are circulated to members and any current ones can be downloaded here.

Chairman’s Letters:

Twice a year, the Chairman circulates a letter to all Society members on behalf of the Committee. These letters provide a useful update of the Committee’s activities on behalf of the Society and provide reminders of up-coming events. The next one is due Autumn 2020. The most recent letter is available by clicking here.